Yes!! That right I said “low carb home fries”, I had a craving for home fries this morning and of course potato was out of the question, so I had to improvise and I used radishes. When I told my husband what I was about to do with the radishes he made a face and proclaimed that there was no way that radishes could ever take the place of potatoes. Lets just say when I was done cooking them he was the first to grap a plate. He could not believe what he was tasting then he said it, the words every low carb cook wants to hear and those words were ” hunny these these just like real potatoes!” This totally made my day!
1/4 Teaspoon Black pepper
1/4 Teaspoon Paprika
1/8 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 medium onion
1 Tablespoon Unsalted Butter
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 Large Bunch Radishes
Heat pan over medium heat.
Add the Butter and Oil.
Add the onions and saute for two minutes.
Add the radishes, and season with remaining ingredients.
Cook over medium heat or about 9 minutes.
I tried this this morning, and you were right there just like eating home fries. I like mine soft so next time I cook I’ll cook the radish first until almost done then add the onion. I had to remove the onion because it cooked too quickly and browned too much.
How many servings does the low carb home fries have?