Whenever I am in a rush and need a quick fix for breakfast, I whip up a Muffin in a minute. This muffin is filled with fiber from the flax seed meal and will keep you filled up for a long time. This will also be great as a dessert to satisfy a sweet tooth.
1/4 cup Flax Seed Meal
1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 teaspoon sweetener ( can add more to your liking)
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
Pinch of Nutmeg
1 Egg
1/2 tablespoon unsalted Butter, melted
In a microwave bowl, add the dry ingredients and mix to combine. In another bowl whisk the eggs. Pour the beaten egg into the dry ingredients. Then Add the melted butter and combine.
Add the egg and the butter. Combine the mixture until uniform. Microwave for 1 minute. Done! Top with cream cheese topping, recipe below.
Cream Cheese topping:
1 oz of cream cheese (softened)
1 to 2 teaspoon of sugar free sweetener
1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice
Mix all ingredients together and spread over muffin.
Nutritional Information for Muffin only listed below:
I will definitely try this! I am a senior and love the simpler recipes. Thank you for this recipe. I haven’t tried it yet, but if I can have a muffin, low carb, you bet!!!!
OMG. Thank you so much for this reciepe. So good! And you can make so many variations. I am so excited!
Molly is so right!!! I saw the basic recipe on a Dr. Oz episode and have been inventing variations since!!!!
Love this recipe! I even used some of Jays’ cheddar jalapeño ingredients for a savory muffin!! Delish, fast, and easy!!!!
It sure is, Enjoy!
Hello, is this induction friendly?
Sounds delish, thanks for sharing:)
I eat these MIM all of the time, LOVE them! I add a little coconut flour, take out a little flax meal. The coconut flour makes it a little more ‘cakey.’ I also add a little coconut oil too, since the coconut flour makes it a little drier than when you use just flax.
Add a tbsp of chopped pecans and WOW! Make a little home made cream cheese frosting with splenda or truvia for the top, OMG! Shred a little carrot into the muffin (just a LITTLE!) and it’s so good with the cream cheese frosting.
This recipe can be varied in so many ways. It is my go-to recipe for when I’m hungry and don’t feel like cooking anything big. You can make a couple of these ahead of time, and store them in an airtight container too. If I’ve been really good all week, I’ll toss a few sugar free choc chips in one, or maybe even better, a single square of ghiradelli chocolate (dark 76% or higher) into it, after chopping it up.
I also bought some banana extract flavoring and use this with some walnuts, to make a banana nut muffin, with the cream cheese frosting. You can add a little uns cocoa pwder to the cheese too–so many SO MANY variations are possible with your standard simple recipe.
I rate this one FIVE STARS!! 😀
I will have to try these tomorrow